Thursday, 22 January 2015

Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the blog.

I've been thinking about writing this blog for over 12 months and made myself a commitment to keep a blog going forward to help other budding gardeners get to grips with their allotments so they don't lose the plot completely.

The area i'm using for horticulture is about 40 square meters.  On the basis that the whole world is a garden it makes no difference whether you're using planters on window sills, or you have a garden the size of a postage stamp or you've got a whole field.

I'm a novice.  I've been learning on a community garden from others.   There's a huge ethos of sharing and learning.  I'm sat on more fruit, veg, herbs and flowers than you can shake a stick at.  It really has been a truly rewarding experience setting up the past year and I'm looking forward to this year with everything in place and the knowledge of last year going forward.

I will be looking at a few new projects to do with the garden and I'm hoping to clear up some myths about the grow your own scene.

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