Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Tesco Superstore is Closing in Doncaster

Reported today on BBC News, my local Tesco store is closing.

Sadly there's a total of 2,000 jobs that will be lost across the country as part of their £250m cost saving exercise.  It seems a bit crazy as only twelve months before Morrisons opened a similar superstore next door in Doncaster.

It got me thinking a little about my supermarket shop.  It's kind of non existent with all the fresh food available.   What got pulled last summer is now frozen as soups or jarred up.  The people I know have really got wise to the evil empire type supermarket - I remember last year one guy was elated by making his shopping run pay.   He purchased some discounted Living Salad for £ 0.90 in to 12 fully grown lettuce plants.

I thought it was a bit far fetched, but it was amazing enterprising and inspiring really.  On Sunday I'm dropping off a bag of Kale to someone as you just can't buy it in the stores at the moment.

So, what's happened.  Have they lost their marketshare of offering the same old same old stuff to weekly punters or have the weekly punters just got wise and started growing their own; or has the company often quoted as the evil empire needed to pull in a bit.  I do know Tesco as a company is signed-up to support the local Foodbank, in this way I guess they will be hugely missed.

I know for me a lot of this journey started with Hugh Chicken Run in 2008.

Bye bye local Tesco Superstore.   Hello Kitchen Garden, you're looking brighter every day.

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