Wednesday, 4 February 2015

February is for dreaming about Icy Cold Bohemian Beer

I'm in to my second full year with the allotment and the blog is already helping me reflect on the mammoth life journey the kitchen garden really is.

Couch GrassUnlike my first year, there is no need for me to dig up the roots of what looked like the Amazon Rainforest.  The rigorous digging throughout last February and the choice planting of potato and other crop throughout the year has left the soil in a friable and fluffy condition.  The soil has been winter dug with a spade to kill all the soil gremlins in the freezing temperatures.

There's a new chap up at the garden that I had the pleasure of meeting at the weekend.  He has the right idea, he simply said "it'll be great in the summer to open a cold beer and put the feet up after all the hard work".   12 months ago I was saying exactly the same thing.   He's on the same page I was on last year.  The beer in your first summer tastes like the one they describe in Shawshank Redemption when they're on work release from the prison tarring the roof.

If you fancy drinking your Icy Cold Bohemain Beer, the best time to take the an allotment having done so is late summer going in to winter.  It gives you time to clear the ground for the first time and remove all the plants and weeds to make preparations for sowing seeds and planting.  It is a very manual laborious task.  It's a personal journey that I can see the new guy is going through.  Payback is of course sometime in the future so the first spade depth that you dig is literally paying it forward 12 months for a taste of something special.

So what's great about February?  Well, today there's food in the ground.!  Lots of it.   Kale, Leeks, Sprouts, Carrots and Cabbage.  Whether it's a Sunday dinner or Sausage & Mash it's all there when you include your potatos and onions that were harvested 6 months earlier.

If you are starting to dig, take it from me the payback does come - just focus on the Icy Cold Bohemian Beer and you'll be on the right road.

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